
Saturday, July 1, 2017

GNU - Build preparation

It's no doubt very convenient and trustworthy to install new software through IPS or even the legacy SVr4 packages. But when those options are not available fortunately there's still a chance for the GNU build automation, which although not as convenient can also perform a good job.

The well-known essentials of GNU build automation end-user operation work-flow was the subject of another post, in which I hopefully confirmed to work reasonably with a few adjustments under Solaris 11.3 and in which I successfully integrated some well-known ZFS essential advantages, such as source-tree snapshots.

In this post I hope to somewhat complement what's been discussed by presenting a suggestion of Shell script to hopefully simplify and avoid some common mistakes in the preparation of the GNU build automation work-flow environment.

For instance, assume that an application source code (tarball app-1.0.0.tar.gz) is to be built for both 32-bit and 64-bit targets using GNU tools and that the build operation is to take place at a local staff /software/build with the results installed locally under /software/prototype.

I assume that the source code tarball is usually named under the following convention: name-version.tar.compression.

But there are cases this convention varies, for instance. node.js prepends a v before version, which slight variation, in this particular case, is a minor annoyance and fortunately won't break the following script. After the script is run, if desired, one can rename the datasets accordingly in order to normalize things, by removing the v before version number.

But there are other cases such as maven (apache-maven-3.5.3-src.tar.gz) where the tarball name would break the script. I could attempt fixing it, but as there are so many unpredictable possibilities this would certainly become a unmanageable.
The general solution is to conform the tarballs' names to my original assumption, usually with a simple manual procedure (as root) of extracting the archive and then storing everything back under a conformant archive name. For instance:
# cd /tmp
# gtar xf .../maven/3.5.3/apache-maven-3.5.3-src.tar.gz
# gtar czf maven-3.5.3.tar.gz maven-3.5.3
# cp maven-3.5.3.tar.gz .../maven/3.5.3/

As an alternative while recreating the tarball, one can attempt higher compression rates with j (for a .bz2) or J (for a .xz) instead of just z (for a more common .gz compressed file). On this particular example the sizes become: 2.6M (.gz), 2.2M (.bz2) and 1.8M (.xz).