That's very welcome since it's been always a great OS!
Thus it's now much easier to get GCC working under Solaris!
The Solaris 11.3 generally available release offers GCC 4.8.2.
That's more than enough to get our fit wet with C++11.
Once a local package repository is available you just have to do:
# pkg install gcc
# pkg install gdb
And if you want to be a little bit more cautious just add the --be-name switch in order to designate a new boot environment (BE) under which the gcc and gdb packages are to be installed. In case you take this path after a successful completion of the commands you'll have to reboot the system into the newly created BE.Instead of the two commands above it may be sliglhtly better to adopt the following alternative:
# pkg install --be-name developer-gnu developer-gnu
In the end you can confirm what's at your disposal as follows:
# pkg info -r gcc
Name: developer/gcc
Summary: GCC
Category: Development/C (...)
Development/C++ (...)
Development/Fortran (...)
Development/GNU (...)
Development/Objective C (...)
State: Installed
Publisher: solaris
Version: 4.8.2
Build Release: 5.11
Packaging Date: August 21, 2015 04:45:27 PM
Size: 5.46 kB
FMRI: pkg://.../gcc@4.8.2,5.11-
# pkg info -r gdb
Name: developer/debug/gdb
Summary: GDB 7.6
Description: GDB, the GNU Debugger, is a ...
Category: Development/System
State: Installed
Publisher: solaris
Version: 7.6
Build Release: 5.11
Packaging Date: August 21, 2015 04:35:57 PM
Size: 8.93 MB
FMRI: pkg://.../gdb@7.6,5.11-
Pretty fast, simple and cool, isn't it?
By the way, the IPS takes care of everything!
You don't have to manually tweak absolutely nothing!
Yes, it's true that GCC is not a native compiler to Solaris and as such it will never be able to generate the most streamlined and efficient code to the platform. But as a learn and a project started tool is a quite good solution. Later on, if your project become successful you can consider the platform's native compiler and tools Oracle Solaris Studio.